Wife. Mom. Army vet. LGBTQ+ member. Shark expert when drunk. Tracy Kellett has become an integral part of the Colorado comedy scene. Honest and magnetic, you'll walk away believing she's the nicest mean girl you've ever met. Winner of 7 roast battles in Colorado, Texas, and Oklahoma, and a resident comic at Loonees Comedy Corner in Colorado Springs, Tracy's approachable delivery resonates with all audience members, even those whose politics or beliefs are typically at odds with hers. Tracy's monthly showcase at Loonees Comedy Corner, Habitual Offenders, has broken club attendance records, and she's the founder of the Colorado Springs Comedy Festival. Tracy has performed with Jimmy Pardo, Dusty Slay, Raanan Hershberg, Brent Gill, Sam Tallent, Mike Stanley, and has been featured at Sacramento's Laughs Unlimited 40 for 40 Fest, Longmont Comedy Fest, Tower City Comedy Festival, Blue Whale Comedy Festival, and Pensacola P3 Comedy Festival. You can find even more of her shitty opinions in Hard Times Magazine, as she's a contributor.
Check out my teespring site to get your hands on a Pueblo is for Lovers tank or tee. https://tracykellett.com/
June 26, 2024: Vultures Vixens, Vultures, Colorado Springs
July 12 & 13: Loonees Comedy Corner (featuring), Colorado Springs
August 1, 2024: Habitual Offenders, Loonees Comedy Corner, Colorado Springs
August 8, 2024: Al Goodwin Tribute, Loonees Comedy Corner, Colorado Springs
August 23, 2024: Roast Battle Denver, Wide Right, Denver
September 25-29: 2nd Annual Colorado Springs Comedy Festival
October 18, 2024: Black Buzzard, Lamar
October 24, 2024: Denver Improv, Denver
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